
Grounded in Values, Decisions Supported by Data, Ignited by Creativity, and Enhanced by Empathy and Talent.

The described words and phrases apply to the companies and projects owned by, affiliated with, or part of the organisation; The Humanius Group. You have most likely arrived here via a dedicated link.
Some companies and projects engage in recruitment and headhunting, either for our own businesses and projects or on behalf of individual company and project clients. These clients may include both businesses and private individuals. Additionally, we conduct training activities in outplacement;  job searching.
All recruitment processes are exclusively carried out by the global search and selection company 4selection, and all applications, curricum vitae and material must be submitted through 4selection’s dedicated job application platform, candidatedatabank.
4selection is registered in the Kingdom of Denmark and, as such, adheres to Danish and European data protection laws, which are among the most detailed and comprehensive legal frameworks available. This provides our clients—both private individuals and corporate customers—with the strongest legal foundation. The applicable legal framework is therefore Danish law, and the jurisdiction is defined as being subject to the legal system in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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